Talking about literature, we should really start with a famous incipit: «Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita…» (Dante Alighieri,La Divina Commedia, Inferno, Canto I) to tell you that Maria Pia and me, Francesco, made the decision to open a B&B some years ago, once we overcame what in Italian we call the “anta” (which in English should be enty or ifty; moreover, statistics has it that the average life is getting longer, so we hope not to be denied by facts, fingers crossed!). After many years in Milan (the big metropolis of North Italy, full of means and fun but too much stressful, sometimes), we caught the opportunity to move to the amazing isle of Sicily (with its history, its culture and its traditions, its beautiful cities and villages and art works, with breath-taking views and a crystal clear sea): there, we opened the ‘B&B Al Fakhar’ for 3 years, with a really positive feedback, both from Italians and foreign people. Destiny brought us here, in Malta, where we fell in love with Gozo, definitely smaller than Sicily but it’s at the same level full of history, it has amazing towns and, not to forget, there’s a mild weather throughout the year. And, what about the visitors coming from all over the world?!? A big opportunity for us to mutually share experiences, cultures and opinions.

We don’t want to go any further, but if you want to come and visit us and knowing more about our story, we’d be glad to tell it to you by staying together, while drinking a cup of tea, maybe sitting on our comfy sofa. But if you just want to read… we hope you can find the best book for you among the many ones you’ll find in our B&B.

See you soon! Bye Bye!
Maria Pia & Francesco